China abruptly replaces one of Xi’s top allies!


Qin Gang was abruptly removed as c foreign minister after disappearing from public view for 30 days. The move ended the career of a diplomat who had been one of President Xi Jinping’s most trusted rising stars.

His fate has become a huge topic of speculation on social media, with many commentators focusing on his personal life and a potentially compromising relationship while he was an ambassador in the U.S.


Whatever actually happened, the move creates awkwardness for Xi, who catapulted Qin into his role ahead of other longer-serving candidates. Qin’s replacement is Wang Yi, who had been foreign minister until Qin’s appointment last year.

Analysis: “The suddenness and opacity surrounding Qin’s dismissal demonstrates the volatility that has now become a feature of China’s political system,” said Jude Blanchette of the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.


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